El Llanito meets CDSG
The day started with a little fun and games -- a great chance for the kids from El Llanito and Country Day to get to know each other before donning work gloves!
They Pump Too!
All gas stations here are full service. They pump, wash, check tires. About 767 colones per liter - $5.80 a gallon - not to bad when considering California gas prices.
Girls just wanna have fun
She's Not Shy
Dancing at the Le Beach Club, Tamarindo.
Lauren has her first overnight with Henry and Mackenzie
Surf Camp with Ms. Kristen
Lauren drags the longboard into the surf with her 4th grade teacher Ms. Kristen
Girls Hall Surf
One 45 minute after school lesson on Friday and everybody's an expert. It could be a long week.
Surfing Tamarindo
After school surf club at Tamarindo Beach
Cows on the March - Listen at the very end for the.....?
It's the little things
Our gate got fixed today. May not seem like much, but when you are lugging home a $12 bottle of shampoo that should have cost $2 and realize that you can't ever buy a pint of Maple Syrup the auto gate is, well, nice.
Where is the Rite-Aid? We need poster board!
Spanish class had a homework project that required a piece of poster board. The Spanish teacher told us to go to the School Supply Store, otherwise know as the "Bazar".
Power Pole Down - Tamarindo
Tamariondo is cut off as the only road into and out of town is shut down. But wait, no need to stop traffic, just lift those live wires and everyone can get through. Nobody's going to get hurt. Meanwhile earlier Lauren bus was stuck on one side, so they walked the kids accross to a waiting bus on the other side. As home I had made a joKe that the power must have gone off becuse a bus hit a power pole. Little did I know that it was the other way around -- a power pole toppled over and hit a bus.