Gary's Blog

I love Carl Hiaasen books. I've got a few more for the remaining time in Costa Rica. We also fill up 3 suit cases with food, cereal, Bob's Blue Cheese, (which makes it thru customs), I get my iphone fixed, buy an ipad mini ( I tell Nancy it will help us blog better and faster, but I don't think she buys it) - Lauren loves it. We pick up some new shoes, some shorts & tops, and pool toys. We decide that Costa Rica is BEAUTIFUL, but the United States is COMFORTABLE. We fly out on the the 8th thru Miami on another red eye.

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20.12 | 00:15

Hi,These are some photos I took. I like to take Self Portraits. I will be taking more pictures of Costa Rica. Thank for your selfy. --

13.12 | 18:23

Hi, Great content. Thanks for sharing insightful information on the rights. Here I am having one basic question.Very well posted I enjoyed it.http://onedaytop.

01.12 | 18:28

WOW!! Gary's Blog One Last Look Saw the last sunset of our stay tonight.Amazing post...

11.11 | 19:54

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet ...