Gary's Blog

Took a trip to Playa Nacascolo, a white sand beach located on the grounds of the Four Seasons Resort. All beaches are public access, so the resort lets you in and provides a place to park. However we never made it because we diverted for lunch and found ourselves at the 12,000 acre Rancho Gesling. There was a sugar processing plant, small hotel, and lots of horses and cattle. We were the only people there, so someone made us lunch and we swam in a huge empty pool. We will try Playa Nacascolo tomorrow.
I forgot to give the bathroom report from the the Bulls, Beer & Brass post (see Mar 3rd). You wait in line like most fairs, but when you get to the front, that girl sitting down in the pink shirt on the green stool, asks you for 300 colones (about 75 cents) and then you get your share of T.P. No money - no T.P. Not sure about the procedure if you need a little more. Thought you'd like to know.
We are settling into the new house. Here is the front entrance. Lauren still gets to take the bus and is the first one on. Internet is still not hooked up so we are using a USB aircard. It works on the kitchen table, but not in the office. No landline yet. Posts should come a little more often now that we have moved, but the real internet is not installed until Friday. You can Skype us at nancy,brier1
Los Ranchos has their Fiesta. 7000 colones ($14) to get in, fair food is about $8 bucks a plate. A couple of kids rides, lots of beer and, of course, the bull ring. Oh wait a minute we don't ever have a BULL RING in the US, cuz where I'm from we have the boat races at the Fiesta. SEE BOAT RACES POST FOR MORE ON THAT. The grand stands are hand constructed wooden marvels. The food is good, beer is cold and first aid station is right on the ring. Live music with plenty of bass instruments plays from the grandstand. It's magic. Look for more pictures on the photos page
Just a little thing we have at our Fiesta in Lake County, California. You think those Bulls are crazy (see below) this is nuts. Take a car, chain a boat to it, grab a beer or two, water down the track - I'm embarrassed.

Latest comments

20.12 | 00:15

Hi,These are some photos I took. I like to take Self Portraits. I will be taking more pictures of Costa Rica. Thank for your selfy. --

13.12 | 18:23

Great content. Thanks for sharing insightful information on the rights. Here I am having one basic question.Very well posted I enjoyed it.http://onedaytop.

01.12 | 18:28

Gary's Blog One Last Look Saw the last sunset of our stay tonight.Amazing post...

11.11 | 19:54

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet ...