Last night Lauren’s friend, Tiago, celebrated his 10th birthday. Tiago’s first language is Portuguese, and he is learing Spanish and English here in Costa Rica. At the party, I chatted with his parents who are from Brazil and
met new friends from Spain, Israel, Croatia and Argentina. Everyone I talked to was interesting and has a story waiting to be told.
The temperature of the air was perfect outside and a tropical breeze kept bugs away. When we arrived home,
a small black animal scurried through our front gate that looked a lot like a skunk but didn’t have the tell tale white stripes. He ran straight toward our front door, so we gave the little guy a wide berth and quite a bit of time.
When we finally made it inside, we googled his description and determined that our visitor was a “hooded skunk.” They’re pretty to look at, and no harm done. Another beautiful night in Costa Rica.