Nancy's Blog

Today we'll begin a long journey home.  We've packed several suitcases with items we can leave in the United States, and when we return after Easter, we'll reload those cases with all the stuff we miss -- peanut butter, our favorite cereals, rubber bands and really good construction paper.  Gary and Lauren will go straight to LA to visit Gary's wonderful mother, and I'll head to Kansas City to see my own mom.  Then we'll all meet up for Easter and head north to the Bay Area and eventually to Lake County, Californa.  We have a lot to do and hope to reconnect with friends we haven't seen since our adventure began in January.  If and when we finally leave Costa Rica, clearly it will be a struggle to say goodbye.

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20.12 | 00:15

Hi,These are some photos I took. I like to take Self Portraits. I will be taking more pictures of Costa Rica. Thank for your selfy. --

13.12 | 18:23

Great content. Thanks for sharing insightful information on the rights. Here I am having one basic question.Very well posted I enjoyed it.http://onedaytop.

01.12 | 18:28

Gary's Blog One Last Look Saw the last sunset of our stay tonight.Amazing post...

11.11 | 19:54

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet ...