Nancy's Blog

An army of people were here yesterday after Gary’s strident email to the property management company outlining our security concerns.  They were supposed to come back at noon today to start making repairs...

Eventually I walked to town in quest of having documents printed and my eyebrows waxed.  Since I had wasted the morning waiting for repair people who didn’t show, it was about eight thousand degrees with a hot wind and a lot of dust by the time I headed out the door.  I went first to Mr. Tom’s, the printing guy, where I was out negotiated by the kid at the counter, and then to the eyebrow lady.  

Although she assured me yesterday that she would be there from 8 to 6, she was not.  A guard told me the lady would be there shortly, so I sat down on a bench in the shade.  The heat felt oppressive and I was grateful for the chance to sit when a shopkeeper plunked down next to me and started talking in Spanish at length.  She too said the eyebrow lady would be back -- at least I think that’s what she said.

Eventually, I went to the the SuperCompro for some seriously overpriced groceries, then back in the searing heat to the eyebrow shop and finally home, too sweaty to care about my manlike brows.  Maybe tomorrow.

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20.12 | 00:15

Hi,These are some photos I took. I like to take Self Portraits. I will be taking more pictures of Costa Rica. Thank for your selfy. --

13.12 | 18:23

Great content. Thanks for sharing insightful information on the rights. Here I am having one basic question.Very well posted I enjoyed it.http://onedaytop.

01.12 | 18:28

Gary's Blog One Last Look Saw the last sunset of our stay tonight.Amazing post...

11.11 | 19:54

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet ...